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We encourage active participation by all parents and children in reducing waste.  Listed below are some tips on waste-free lunches and websites for information.


What is a Waste-Free (Litterless) Lunch?

A lunch that contains no throwaway packaging and produces no waste. Food and drinks are packed in reusable containers, avoiding where possible the use of prepackaged foods.


Many schools across Ontario are moving toward Waste-Free Lunches as a way to make a difference, for our environment. The main objective of the program is to encourage parents and students to review and think about the way they prepare and package lunch foods. It teaches students about the environmental consequences of waste, and gives them an opportunity to apply their knowledge in their daily lives.


Tips for a Waste-Free Lunch

  • Ask your child to participate in packing their lunch (there is less chance of wasted food if the child has a say in what they want to eat)

  • Pack drinks, sandwiches and snacks in reusable containers

  • Use a cloth napkin

  • Use non-disposable cutlery (stainless steel)

  • Bring a reusable lunch bag or box to school

  • Pack fruit that comes in its own "natural" packaging (i.e.: clementines, apples, bananas)

Some useful websites

Website for Ontario Eco-Schools program


How a litterless lunch can save you $250 per year per child


Stainless steel lunch containers


Reusable lunch bins, cloth bags, etc.


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